Off-line Products
Content management systems for your computer and network environment.


  • Scope: this product is a fully relational database that captures the wide variety of requirements that go into the planning and management of a function.
  • Functions: this component stores information about the function (name, type, dates and times), you can then relate the following information: bookings, people/staff involved, venues and equipment required. The functions component also continually notifies you about:
    • venue management – venue booking and how much seating and standing room is available
    • people/staff management – their relationship to the function and avoiding time and task conflicts
    • equipment management - making sure that equipment is not booked to more than one function at the same time.
    • archive functions for a record and future reference
    • links to images, etc. (see Hyperlink and images below)
  • Bookings: this component stores information about a booking: type (provisional, confirmed, cancelled); date and time of a booking query; date and time of a confirmed booking; and, number of people attending. Related to a booking is:
    • contact information – name, organisation, telephone, fax and email (this component links to the Address Database which store complete address information)
    • payment details – amount payable, discount (calculated automatically), payment due, etc.
  • People: this component stores information about people - whether staff, volunteers, etc: name, position, organisation, and relationship to the organisation. Related to a person is:
    • employment and biographic details – date of birth, date of employment, ID numbers, years service, department, telephone extension, etc.
    • addressing - links to the Address Database which store complete address information
    • links to images, etc. (see Hyperlink and images below)
  • Venues: this component stores information about a venue: name, description, location, directions, seating and standing room available. Related to a venue is:
    • facilities – type and description of the facility
    • links to images, etc. (see Hyperlink and images below)
  • Equipment: this component stores information about equipment: type, maker's name, ID numbering, condition, etc.
  • Hyperlinks and images: the hyperlinks feature is found throughout the database which offers linking to images, documents, spreadsheets, the Internet, audio files, etc. This truly turns your database into the nerve centre of managing a function as literally any file can be linked. Note that if a link is made to an image it can be viewed as a thumbnail, clipped, zoomed, opened in your image editing program ... all from within the database. Also note the files are stored outside the database which means you can link to CDs and/or an image bank on your computer or on a server. This means your database is never cluttered with large image files.
  • Individual and grouped functions: the product lets you, not only store information about individual functions, but lets you group them together in any way you require. For example, if you have you manage a large function. that comprises of a number of smaller components.
  • Notes: there are a number of areas where you can keep general notes.
  • Reports: reports included are a printed list of an individual function, or all current, and archived functions. These are either with brief details (function name, times, people involved, etc.) or comprehensive (all bookings, payment details, equipment required, etc.). The reports can also be exported to a word processor or spreadsheet – useful if you need to send reports to people, departments, etc.

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