CollectorsMD Global Search

the functionality totally reworked so you can search across the entire CollectorsMD from one place (Switchboard).

With the GlobalSearch feature you can locate information according to the criteria - text / keywords you enter. Virtually the entire database is searched.

Once you have entered your username and password to access the CollectorsMD you have the option to use Global Search. This let you immediately go to the information you require - without opening various modules to search.

Results are displayed in sections of the database and the number of matches according to the text you entered. You can click on a result to be taken directly to the relevant section.

To understand which fields are search throughout the CollectorsMD moodules, the fields with an orange outline are part of the global search.

Ideal for beginners and experts.

Click the image for a view of: Global search with results (example)
Global search with results (example)

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