CollectorsMD upgrade to version 13.0

Management Evaluation History

Fields are now: Type (high, low, etc.), Order (order of evaluations), Currency (US dollar, UK Pound, Euro, etc.), Exchange Rate (at the date of evaluation), Local Currency Amount (i.e. Rand), Foreign Evaluation, Date, Date Approx (tick if an approx date), and Evaluation By.

Functionality: once the Exchange Rate, and Local Currency or the Foreign Amount, is entered either the Local or Foreign amount is automatically calculated. The additional functionality is if their the Local or Foreign amount is edited, the updated amount is automatically calculated.

You can also open all Evaluation History across the whole database and do various filters. Select and Select All buttons have been added to select data for printing or exporting.

Management Storage

Storage Location and Floor, Moved By and Movement Notes not included in quick search - fixed. Also renamed fields - to avoid confusion:

  • Moved By to Stored By
  • Date Moved to Date Stored
  • Movement Notes to Storage Notes

    Button 'Send to History' now has an explanation. You can filter on any storage location and by date or part of a date (i.e. January 2016). Select and Select All buttons have been added to select data for printing or exporting.

    The Item Out tick box was only updatable via Movement (i.e. when the item returns). This is still in effect but you can also manually override this.

    Description Producer options You can not sort and lookup by Producer Identity on the Description form. An additional option available is to 'Jump to Producer'.

    Exhibition / Groups

    Added Identity column to be able to sort.

    Deselecting records

    Wording changed from 'Delete selected records' to 'Deselect all records'; wording also changed in message given to user prior to deselecting.

    Management > Evaluation

    New field added: Evaluation Cost. This allows for a Cost value can be added in local currency which is separate to the main cost, sale, etc.

    Management new function

    Added 'Bulk movement storage' which moves all selected records with storage details to Storage History. This avoids having to do each one individually. Various checks are done prior to moving - such as checking if a record has storage data - and instructions given to the user.

    Export options

    Added 'Export Internet (storage / evaluation / evaluation history)' option for online module for clients to view Evaluation History.

    Selected Records

    Added a new feature for Selected Records called 'Open selected table' which opens a table of selected records. This table can be copied / pasted into a spreadsheet or text file to be saved for future use. Also, a list of Item IDs can also be pasted on the table. This allows for saving or receiving selected records.


    The new Evaluation Cost field, updated Evaluation History and Item Out have been added to: List options to switch on / off; these fields built into the 20 List and Catalogue reports.

    All reports with format '####' error have been corrected.

    Version upgrade

    When a structural change done to the data file a version upgrade is required (i.e. from 12.0 to 13.0). This also involves updating all sql queries to import the data correctly from the old data file to the new one. This has been done for v13.0.

Click the image for a view of: Revamped storage details form
Revamped storage details form


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