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Advanced filtering

How to use this powerful feature

First go to the form that has the data you would like to filter. This example uses the Evaluation History in the CollectorsMD database:

  1. First click the Show all button to make sure you are viewing all the records.
  2. On the top toolbar, select Advanced Filter / Sort.
  3. If necessary, remove any previous filter by highting the column and deleting it. This can be done at any point to clear a filter. See screenshot 1.
  4. In the first column lookup the field you would like to filter on. Screenshot 2 uses Type.
  5. Enter the term to search on between quotation marks, i.e. 'Low estimate'.
  6. If filtering on a date range then look at screenshot 3. The example will filter across all evaluation history records that have:
    • Type = 'Low estimate'
    • Dated range bigger than '01 February 2013' but smaller than '01 February 2015'.
    • You can use a wildcard (*) when looking up text, i.e. '*estimate*' would filter all 'estimate' whether 'low' or 'high'. Note: the wildcard (*) must be inside the quotation marks.
  7. Once you have entered your criteria then click Apply Filter / Sort from the top toolbar.

Click the image for a view of: 1) Advanced filtering open with column highlighted
1) Advanced filtering open with column highlighted
Click the image for a view of: 2) Looking up Type field
2) Looking up Type field
Click the image for a view of: 3) Filter criteria using a date range
3) Filter criteria using a date range

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