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With Hyperlinks you are able to make links to files on your computer, network, CDs, DVDs and the Internet. To make a link, select the Hyperlinks option from a Navigation list.

Note: you can add as many Hyperlinks as you like.

Field nameDescriptionExample
Link to file or URL Click on the Browse button and you will be presented with a dialog box where you can browse to the folder storing the image file, document, spreadsheet, Internet address (URL), audio file, etc. Once you have located the file, click the Save button to save the link.
..\my docs\letter1.doc
Producer Person, group of people, organisation, etc. responsible for the file you have linked to.
Photo Images Ltd.:
Digital Library;
J. Smith
Description Brief description of the file or URL that you have linked to.
Any terms can be used in this field.
Orientation Only appies to images: orientation of the image, either Landscape or Portrait. This assists in keeping the images in proportion when printing, display on a web page, etc.
Select either Landscape or Portrait.
Select Only appies to images: if you have more than one image linked, click this option to choose your main image. Note: only one image can be your main one.
Tick to select.
Notes This field records any notes regarding the hyperlink. Tip: if linking to a CD, then record any identifying information on the CD in this field - this way you know which CD to place in the drive when you need to edit or view the file.
Any terms can be used in this field.

Buttons / options on this form

  • Browse: open the dialogue box to browse to the file you would like to link.
  • Open: opens the file linked with the program associated on your computer. Some examples:
    • an image file links will be opens in your image editing program
    • a MP3 would be opened in a media player
    • a MS Word document in MS Word
    • a PDF and Adobe Reader
    • ... virtually any file can be linked, and opened.
  • Thumb: this button gives you a small thumbnail of the linked image in the frame box along side it. Note: if the file associated is not an image file, you will receive an error message.
  • Zoom: opens a form with an enlarged image displayed. Useful for viewing a larger image than a thumbnail. Note: this offers a large proportionate image and not the actual size (use the Open option for this).

Click the image for a view of: Hyperlinks (main form)
Hyperlinks (main form)
Click the image for a view of: Hyperlinks (basic form)
Hyperlinks (basic form)

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