Off-line Products
Content management systems for your computer and network environment.


  • Scope: this product is a fully relational database that captures the wide variety of information that goes into managing questionnaires.
  • Questionnaires: this component stores information that describes a questionnaire (title, keywords, status, date started, date completed, aim, scope, conclusion and location). Related to a questionnaire is:
    • questions - all the questions that make up a questionnaire
    • responses - the various responses to each question
    • people/staff management - their relationship to a questionnaire
    • groups - offers an easy way in which to group, or relate, questionnaires to each other
    • methods - keeps notes on the various methods used
    • results - instantly all the results of a questionnaire
    • links to spreadsheets, images, etc. (see below)
    • links to the Thesaurus to track any keywords that identify the questionnaire (see below)
  • Questions: this component stores information about the questions (question, type, number). Related to a question is:
    • set responses - these are the responses you set (i.e. yes / no, multiple choice, weighted, etc.)
    • user responses - these are the responses of the person completing the questionnaire (i.e. various comments, replies, etc.)
  • Set and user responses: these components store information about the various responses required from the person completing the question (response, date from, date to, number of responses). By seperating set from user responses you can restrict the response to various questions (i.e. yes / no, multiple choice, weighted, etc.), or record the responses the person added (i.e. various comments, replies, etc.). Related to a set response is:
    • response calculater - makes the task of adding responses to a question very easy
    • total responses - instantly see the total numbers of responses to each component of a question, and the total responses to the whole question
    • notes - you can record notes on each response
  • People: this component stores information about the people (name, position, organisation, and relationship to the organisation) involved with the questionnaires - whether staff, volunteers, etc. You can also instantly which questionnaires a person is involved with. Related to a person is:
    • employment and biographic details - date of birth, date of employment, ID numbers, years service, department, telephone extension, etc.
    • addressing - links to the Address Database which store complete address information
    • links to images, etc. (see Hyperlink and images below)
  • Groups: the database records how questionnaires may be grouped - say a questionnaire is part of a series of questionnaires, you can record information about the series and relate each questionnaire to the series.
  • Methods: relates various the methods used when planning, implimenting and concluding a questionnaire.
  • Results: instantly see a list of all the questions in a questionnaire, and the various responses to each question. You can also record a manual total, or hand count, of the returned questionnaires to compare with the automatically calculated totals.
  • Hyperlinks and images: the hyperlinks feature is found throughout the database which offers linking to images, documents, spreadsheets, the Internet, audio files, etc. This truly turns your database into the nerve centre of managing a tour as literally any file can be linked. Note that if a link is made to an image it can be viewed as a thumbnail, clipped, zoomed, opened in your image editing program ... all from within the database. Also note the files are stored outside the database which means you can link to CDs and/or an image bank on your computer or on a server. This means your database is never cluttered with large image files.
  • Calendar: a calendar is available for quick reference when necessary.
  • Notes: there are a number of areas where you can keep general notes.
  • Reports: either print or export (to a document for further editing) a questionnaire; or, print or export a questionnaire with the various responses.

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