Off-line Products
Content management systems for your computer and network environment.


  • Scope: this product is a fully relational database that captures the wide variety of information that goes into managing recipes and compiling menus.
  • Recipes: this component stores
    information about the recipe (title, brief description, serving details, preperation time, cooking time, nutrients, method, category, keywords, acknowledgements, copyright, cost and date). Related to a recipe is:
    • ingredients - instantly see, and go to, the various ingredients that make up a recipe
    • menus - track the menus where a recipe is used
    • costing - track the cost of all the ingredients in a recipe
    • dietician notes - any notes on calories, fat, etc.
    • archive recipes for a record and future reference
    • integrates with the Internet / Intranet component (see below)
    • links to images, etc. (see below)
    • links to the Thesaurus to track any keywords that identify the recipe (see below)

  • Menus: this component assists you in compiling a menu: title, type (breakfast, lunch, etc.), and cost. Related to a menu is:
    • recipes - instantly see, and go to, the various recipes that make up a menu
    • costing - track the cost of all the recipes in a menu
  • Ingredients: this component stores information about an ingredient - name, unit of measurement, actual measurement and cost. Related to an ingredient is:
    • recipes - instantly see, and go to, the various recipes where an ingredient is used
    • suppliers - track the suppliers of each ingredient by linking to the Address Database (see below).
    • costing - track of the cost of each ingredient
      according to any unit of measurement (grams, litres, tins, crates, etc.)

  • Reviews: this component stores any reviews, news, comments, etc. about recipes or products: title, brief description, author / producer, full review, category, keywords, acknowledgements, copyright and date. Related to reviews are:
    • recipes - instantly see, and go to, the various recipes which have been reviewed
    • archive reviews for a record and future reference
    • integrates with the Internet / Intranet component (see below)
    • links to the Thesaurus to track any keywords that identify the recipe (see below)
  • Internet / Intranet component: this feature creates an Intranet on you computer which you can use to share information across a network. Importanty, you can also use this component to update a website - no knowledge of HTML required - you simply upload various files and folders directly to your website.
  • Hyperlinks and images: the hyperlinks feature is found throughout the database which offers linking to images, documents, spreadsheets, the Internet, audio files, etc. This truly turns your database into the nerve centre of managing a tour as literally any file can be linked. Note that if a link is made to an image it can be viewed as a thumbnail, clipped, zoomed, opened in your image editing program ... all from within the database. Also note the files are stored outside the database which means you can link to CDs and/or an image bank on your computer or on a server. This means your database is never cluttered with large image files.
  • Calendar: a calendar is available for quick reference when necessary.
  • Notes: there are a number of areas where you can keep general notes.
  • Reports: reports included are a printed recipes with the ingredients, and a recipe table. Various reviews and menus can also be printed and exported.

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