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CollectorsMD upgrade to v15.0

Two important upgrades:

Improved file management

The CollectorsMD includes a dynamic way to manage files linked to the Item Description, this especially important for images but also documents and various media such as video and sound files. The CollectorsMD accommodates files stored on a local computer and on a shared (preferably mapped) folder. This means multiple users can all view the same files and they are stored in one location.

The new Alternative path option now solves the problem where users need to view and access the files from an alternative location. For example: you might have users on a network accessing images from a central server but another user viewing via a cloud folder. Alternative path solves this by allowing each user the ability to access the same files stored in an alternative location.

Support is available to assist in setting up the alternative paths - a simple three step process.


This is a new module associated with the Producers where any number of chronological events can be recorded. For example: you can record full details of important events and influences in an artist's life. You can also add research done on a particular event - this is done in two ways:

  • Public: this where you record information for the public. For example: if recording an artist's birth you could add further details about the father, mother, hospital and location.
  • Notes: this is for additional research and notes used to inform the Public notes.

This new Chronology module will also greatly enhance information about a producer on a website or touchscreen.

Click the image for a view of: Example of an image displaying from an alternative location
Example of an image displaying from an alternative location
Click the image for a view of: Chronology capture screen
Chronology capture screen

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